Archives for posts with tag: ps3

During times like these, it’s difficult for a first person shooter to stand out. To be distinct from the massive crowd of shooters, a game has to offer a large dose of creativity. Those that don’t are often regarded as generic, and are soon forgotten. Killzone 2 seems to be a sort of exception to this observation. Although very little new gameplay elements are implemented, it proves to be an excellent shooter by showing considerable strength in core areas. Killzone 2 leans on proven mechanics, but uses them well and manages to feel unique.

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Jenova Chen, one of the lead designers for the game, describes Flower as "An interactive poem exploring the tension between urban & nature."

The Playstation Network Store has shown strong support for artistic games in the past couple years. Titles like Pixeljunk Eden, flOw, and Linger in Shadows have explored the idea of video games as art. FlOw was developed by thatgamecompany. It involved using SIXAXIS controls to navigate a microorganism and grow by eating little dots. Although it was striking in both visual and audio matters, critics complained about the lack of purpose or replayability. Thatgamecompany’s next project, Flower, attempts to exist as both a piece of art and an enjoyable game. The game’s success comes through its simplicity and subtlety in design.

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